18616855380 anton@urmachina.com
Area Sales Manager 区域销售经理
+41 62 889 20 20 j.berner@urma.ch
13911032602 shirley@urmachina.com
021-61096216 kiki@urmachina.com
Cashier, Office Assistant 出纳、行政助理
+41 62 889 20 20 y.berner@urma.ch
021-61096216 kiko@urmachina.com
Customer Service Representative (CSR) 客户服务代表
18629500607 alen.Liu@urmachina.com
Application Engineer 技术应用工程师
13395187668 scofield@urmachina.com
Executive Director 执行董事
021-61096216 grace@urmachina.com
021-61096216 christine@urmachina.com
Office Manager 办公室经理
+41 62 889 20 20 u.berner@urma.ch
President of the Board of Directors
18101871716 paul@urmachina.com
+41 62 889 20 20 o.berner@urma.ch